Mental Wellbeing
Acupuncture is particularly effective at relieving stress and anxiety. Stimulation of the acupuncture needle will cause the body to release various endorphins and neurotransmitters to relax the nervous system and bring the body into a more parasympathetic state. From this more relaxed state we are able to uncover the driving factor that causes the stress and anxiety. The underlying factor could be from physical disharmony or a mental/emotional disharmony, either way we seek to address whichever factor is at play.
After acupuncture treatments patients may notice better sleep, increased energy, clearer thinking, and an overall sense of joy and wellness.
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation is one of the most effective ways to cultivate mental resilience and balance. Often the mind is caught between ruminating about the past or worrying about the future, it spends very little time being in the present moment. This mind that jumps around from one thought to another, from one emotion to the next is called “monkey mind”. The practice of mindfulness meditation is in some sense the practice of taming this “monkey mind” and discovering a more calm and clear awareness underneath it all.
It is a profoundly simple practice yet there can be quite a bit of nuance as you go deeper into your practice. Working with a qualified teacher who can guide you through the practices of mindfulness can be extremely useful.